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The Oyster Boat

The Oyster Boat


16x20 oil on canvas

  • inspiration

    This intriguing little boat was anchored off of the Thimble Islands, an archipelago consisting of small islands in Long Island Sound, near Branford Connecticut. Sustainability and the sea are important topics here. The boat is outfitted with a pulley, and attached is a cage full of muscles and seaweed. In addition to harvesting oysters, these cages also function as artificial reefs for many different species in the Sound, from striped bass to crabs. It's a win-win situation: as the oysters grow, they filter the ocean. 25 years ago, Connecticut’s oyster industry was almost decimated due to MSX, a parasitic disease that attacks oysters. Because of Government and private efforts to clean up Long Island Sound Oysters now account for about half of the state’s agricultural today.

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